I was recently asked, “with all of the checks in place with my rental application, why do you want to contact my previous landlords?” Good question. Let’s look into it!

You know that during the rental application process, various checks are run including credit checks, background checks, and eviction checks. With all of those checks, you probably think that the new landlord would have all of the information they need. Depending on how thorough they are (some are and some aren't), this may give them all of the information they require in order to make a decision. With our Leesburg rentals, I always like to have a clear picture of who my prospective tenant really is. Here are some of the questions that might be asked of your previous landlords:
Did you rent the property during the period of time you specified?
Did you pay your rent on time?
Were any of the checks you received from the renter bad checks (insufficient funds)?
Did you keep the property clean and neat?
Did you cause any damage to the property?
Were you a good tenant that didn't disturb or bother others?
Did you violate any terms of the lease?
Was the tenant evicted or requested to leave?
Does the tenant still owe you any money? Did you ask the tenant to renew their lease with you?
Did they notify you that they were leaving in compliance with the lease agreement?
Would you consider having this person as a tenant again?
Many times prospective renters think owners will only be contacting your most recent landlord - not so! I've found that if a person was a troublesome tenant, a current landlord might try to hide that in order to have you leave! Previous landlords are much more open to discussing the type of renter you truly were while you were there.
Ready to find the ideal rental for you and your family in Lake County? Visit www.leesburg4rent.com to see our rentals in gated communities with pools and workout rooms.